I admit that I am not an archery expert, enthusiast, or even remotely good at it. I did have the opportunity to do some target shooting with a bow, though. I wasn't too bad until I got more than 10 or 15 feet from the target. I bring this up, not to brag on my own ability, but to highlight my own insufficiency.
We are reminded in Scripture that "All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." (Romans 3:23) To sin is to "miss the mark" as I often did shooting at the target, and as we all do in multiple ways each day. For some it is like taking a shot in the dark or without any consideration for where the target is even located. Other times we know where the mark is, but because of our own limitations and frailties we fall short of the target. To truly make it right, we confess we can't do it on our own and that we are in need of the righteousness from God. The "law" only points out our failings (just as the target reveals how often and far off we are from the mark). As a remedy we turn to the One who provides redemption, that is Christ Jesus. We truly are only justified by God's gift of grace through Jesus!
Thanks for the word, Bro. Ron!